maanantai 14. huhtikuuta 2008


Rauhan tervehdys!

Mahtavaa huomata, että muslimeiden joukosta löytyy taitajia monelta eri alalta. Suuri muslimiväestö esim. Englannissa tuntuu saavan aikaan monia muslimeille suunnattuja asioita: tapahtumia, yrityksiä, tv-kanavia, radio-kanavia, moskeijoita, kauppoja, kouluja, päiväkoteja, moskeijoita, kampaamoja, partureita jne... Ihanaa, että muslimeiden tarpeita ollaan huomioitu enenevässä määrin.
Myös islamilaisia lehtiä löytyy enemmän kuin tajusinkaan. Englanninkielisiä aikakausilehtiä löytyi pikahaulla useita. Suomessa ilmestyy islamilaiset lehdet An-Nur ja toisena lehtenä Ikhlas. Tilatkaa ihmeessä, jos kiinnostusta löytyy.
10-11 numeroa / 12 euroa / vuosi.
Tilauksen voi laittaa s-postitse:

12 numeroa / 25 euroa / vuosi.
Lehden kotisivut löytyvät osoitteesta

Ulkomaisien lehtien kansikuvia:

Islamilaisia lehtiä ja uutissivustoja:
Al-Jumuah Magazine features articles on topics pertinent to Muslim living today, especially for those in the West. Focuses on the call to Islam (Dawah), purity of belief in Allah (Aqeedah), Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), more.
Al-Khilafa Daily news and comment from the site affiliated with Hizb ut-Tahrir Islamic Party.
Al-Serat Journal of Islamic studies.
Al-Tawhid Quarterly journal of Islamic thought and culture.
Azizah Magazine "that reflects the experiences and perspectives of Muslim women living in North American society".
Daily Muslims Muslim America's first daily newspaper online. Website "intends to provide continuous information and analysis on the most important cultural and religious change that Western Europe is experiencing".
Halal Food For Thought Find Islamic news and rediscover many aspects about Islam-especially its social, economic, and political system-that have been forgotten.
Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain Site of Islamic political party seeking to establish the Caliphate (Khilafah).
Illume Media Provides access to Islamic resources including scholarly articles, commentaries on current affairs and coverage of community events in various regions.
Independent Centre for Strategic Studies (ICSSA) News and comment from organization devoted "to encourage reflection and analysis of the ongoing apartheid treatment with the Muslim world". Site has been established with the aim to teach, propagate and expound Islamic thought under the three categories of beliefs, politics and social science.
International Islamic News Agency (IINA) News about the Muslim world, minorities and communities in various fields, including religion, education, culture, charity and dawa.
International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) Promotes interdisciplinary research on contemporary social and intellectual trends and movements in Muslim societies and communities.
Islam Online Popular site featuring daily news from the Muslim world and containing articles on political and social issues.
Islamic Human Rights Commission Provides information about human rights abuses in Muslim countries and in the West.
Islamic Institute for Services South Africa based independent online news and information service.
Islamica Magazine Provides perspective on issues related to Islam and the Muslims both in America and abroad. Features spirituality, politics, religion, culture and society. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Islamic Times Muslim newspaper reflecting the culture, lifestyle and success of British Muslims. Interactive publication focusing upon providing news and commentary on issues and events of importance to Muslims.
Jihad Unspun Publishes news from the mainstream and Islamic sources.
Kavkaz Center International news agency covering events in the Islamic world, Chechnya and Russia.
Muslimedia International Quality news magazine of "the global Islamic movement".
Muslim News Monthly newspaper providing news and views of Muslims in the United Kingdom.
Muslim WakeUp Online magazine with news and commentary on politics, culture, and spirituality "from a progressive Muslim perspective".
renaissance Monthly journal "promoting research and original thinking in the light of the original sources of Islam".
Southern California InFocus Muslim newspaper in California providing news and views from an American Muslim perspective.
Weekly Mirror International News York based newspaper covering news and issues from Muslim perspective.

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